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While we see music as valuable and worthwhile in and of itself, did you know that it has huge benefits for the learner that far transcend just being able to play? 


In an age of the quick fix and distraction the process of learning and concentrating on a single project is rare, music provides an opportunity for this. 


Learning an instrument assists in developing coordination and fine motor skills.


In learning an instrument your child will develop patience and perseverance, which will assist them as they face challenges in their lives.

Goal Setting

Learning music can be mapped out with milestones in the short, medium and long term. Musicians track progress and learn to push themselves further, higher, greater and better than before.

Self Confidence

By developing a skill and putting themselves out there in front of their teacher or an audience a musician will rise in confidence to meet the challenges.


Practice routines, exam and performance dates, weekly lessons and guided lessons all help to keep a musician on track and focused on their goals.


Music allows the flourishing of the creative mind, and the free exploration of that side of life, tapping into the inner muse can be a big benefit at school, work and play.

These are just some of the many benefits! There are some fantastic videos on youtube about this to, check them out:

Great clip we found!


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