Contact Stormer Music

Performing live is an incredible experience and we highly recommend all musicians find a way to do this whenever they can. On show day we recommend clearing being as prepared as possible, with everything covered well in advance so you can focus on actually performing your music well. Here is a quick checklist you can use to make sure you have everything sorted:

Gear: find out what gear is being provided and what you need to bring. For example we will provide a PA, DI's, Microphones, Drum Kit, Piano, Amps, Leads, Music Stands and Chairs for our concerts. 

Arrival And Parking: We recommend arriving fairly early and grabbing a carpark, the last thing you want is more stress on your arrival. 

Playing Times: You should arrive at the very latest a half hour before your show and be ready to handle any changes/delays with grace.

Rehearsals: Are there rehearsals? Is there a chance for you to get on stage before teh show to get a feel for things?

Sound Check: Is there a pre-show sound check? 

Backing Tracks: If you are performing to a backing track, you will need to send this through to the organisers ( BEFORE THE DAY. It is always a good idea to bring a back up copy on your phone/mp3 player on the day too, just in case!

When You Arrive: Speak to the MC or sond crew and let them know, ask if there are any last minute changes..

Wet Weather Plan: If the event is outdoors, find out the wet weather plan before the day.

Team Player: We would strongly encourage you to arrive early and stay for the duration of the show. This shows respect to your fellow performers and you get to enjoy the experience too.

Tuning: Make sure your instrument is tuned and ready to go leading up to your performance.

Practice: Be well practiced – know your song inside and out.

Dress Well: lot’s of people are going to see you on the day. Also choose clothes that work comfortably within your instruments position. Eg. wearing a belt while standing playing guitar will scratch up your instrument.

Everyone gets nervous: it’s all about how you handle it. Ask your teacher for help.

Enjoy the experience: you’ve worked hard and we're so thrilled to hear you play.

If you need help prepping for a music performance or have some advice on how you like to prepare for concerts we would love to hear from you!

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