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Choosing where to put your piano and how it’s all setup is an important decision to get right. It’s amazing how space and perspective can affect your practice and playing time and enjoyment.

Start by figuring out where it’s going to go. A big factor for practicing here is if the piano is in a common area it is likely to be thought about and played more but may become a fight if playing the piano is going to affect other people using the space - like if they are doing homework there or watching TV. Putting the piano away from a common space in it’s own room works well to solve this problem, but removes some of the incidental practice time that may happen in common areas and may mean some extra work to remember to practice.

Make sure wherever it goes that the room is a moderate temperature, like most instruments, pianos are affected by extremes of temperature that may affect tuning and intonation. Also avoid rooms that are too humid or stuffy as humidity has an impact here too.

Once you have decided where to put the piano make sure you move it carefully, they are heavy instruments and require safe lifting technique and potentially wrapping to scratch proof before doing so. Enlist some help and do this once and get it right the first time. 

Pianos are unique in that they can have some decoration on/around them. Whilst being careful not to damage your instrument you could add a lamp, some pictures that inspire you, some music trinkets or whatever you would like to. The goal being to make your space inviting and your piano desirable to play. 

Now you have a place to play, have your music (digital or paper) nearby and enjoy it. 🙂

Need some help playing your piano now it’s all setup? Call us!

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