Contact Stormer Music

Have you thought about the point of music lessons for your child? It’s important to consider why you have decided to commit the time, money and effort into your child’s musical development. 

Not everyone who does music music lessons has to be in to become a professional musician you see! There are some many incredible reasons to be a musician and knowing what reasons are motivating you will help you to chart your child’s music journey even better.

Perhaps your child is in lessons for academic reasons - doing well at school and getting grades. If so it’s important to work with a teacher who can take you through a reputable grading system and provide clear outcomes and benchmarks along the way.

If your child is in lessons for fun, you should focus on getting them into band classes and concerts along with the lessons, these provide outlets for expression and connections with other musicians that are invaluable for empowerment and good times.

If they are in lessons as a serious student with a pathway towards working in the industry, you want to make sure you are working with a studio that has rich experiences and has teachers who are young, enthusiastic and cutting edge.

Finally if like many families you are unsure exactly where your child is headed find a school you trust and get started, make sure the basics are done well and that you have laid a solid foundation for your child’s future musical success - it whatever capacity that works out to be. 

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