Contact Stormer Music

We have designed our franchise to be able to be run by musicians and non-musicians alike. For musicians it's a way of getting the business side of things done without the hard work of setting it all up and for non-musicians it’s a way into the music industry and musician way of thinking with no musical knowledge or experience. 

Business and music don’t often go well together. Traditionally artists and their industry have had an uneasy and complex relationship. We believe both artists and business people can do better to achieve the end of great music done well in a business minded way. This idea is at the heart of our franchise, business people need artists and creatives to drive new ideas and push boundaries, while artists need business people to make it happen, get things done and work out how. 

If you have a heart for music and the music industry but you’re not a musician please reach out, we’d love to help you get into it.

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